Managing country & culture for the Dalabon, Rembarrnga and Mayili landowners and people in south central Arnhem Land.
Our Vision
People are on their Country with families, living on the outstations and working to take care of Country. Rangers are supporting and working with outstation people and other landowners. Strong community relationships make sure we have good access to Country, to jobs and to the right services and facilities.
Country is clean and safe. Springs and creeks flow strong and clean and there is plenty of bush tucker. In the right season, we find the plants and animals that have always been there. We have strong ceremony, language, dance, and song connecting families, Country, and culture.
Our families are happy again and people are sharing knowledge with younger generations who have twoway education about culture and Country. Our rock art and cultural places are protected, and we are looking after the resting places of our ancestors. Businesses on Country are successful, sustainable, and providing jobs for our people. Visitors and business partners respect Traditional Owners and our rules protecting culture and Country.
Land Management Area Map
The Mimal Land Management area is located in the heartland of Arnhem Land in the Northern Territory. It’s teeming with plants and animals and home to sites of great cultural significance.
Mimal Land Management is an Indigenous owned and operated organisation focused on bringing benefits to country and culture for Dalabon, Rembarrnga and Mayili landowners and people of south central Arnhem Land in the Northern Territory.
Burning country the right way is our most powerful tool for land management.
Fire Management
Weeds Management
Feral Animal Management
Language (coming soon)
Visitor management
Womens Rangers
Rock Art

Strong Women for Healthy Country
Our leadership team bring years of experience to bear on the greatest challenge of our time. We’re results driven, with a proven record of previous successes.
Caring for country and culture are our highest priorities and we aim to be leaders in Indigenous land management.
We have identified a series of important projects that will drive our work and keep us focused over the next decade. These projects have been outlined in our Healthy Country Plan.
The plan highlights our assets, our priorities, charts how to deal with threats and seize opportunities. We’re committed to monitoring and measuring our progress so in 10 years’ time we can see how we’ve achieved the goals our elders outlined nearly 20 years ago. We also are committed to listening to community feedback and making changes when needed.
Our People
We work for all landowners, members and people living on country and outstations, to support healthy lives and strengthen culture and language.
Our land is an important part of our identity and Mimal believes healthy country means healthy people.