Visitor Management

Mimal has two major types of visitor management issues which each require different approaches – tourists who want to learn about our country and culture and people who deliberately trespass without permission.

Tourists increasingly pass through our lands, mostly on the Central Arnhem Road. We want to share information about our culture and our country and perhaps assist landowners to develop tourist ventures. We are concerned for traveller safety on the 800km between Katherine and Nhulunbuy for which there are no designated camping areas. We are keen to engage with them about the issues of accidental weed spread.

Our other visitor management issue is around people who are deliberately trespassing on our country without permission. These include fishermen, pig shooters, unlicenced safari hunters and people involved in the illegal wildlife trade. With this second class of visitor we urgently need powers to control and stop illegal access. It is an issue connected to all our work on country and culture and issues like the protection of sacred sites and people feeling safe on country.